Monday, December 22, 2014

December Nattier News

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Have you ever had an aha moment?  As I have been reflecting on Christmas this year, I have had a few.  First off, it is so easy to forget about the gift of Christ during all of the hustle and bustle of Christmas.  Second, Christ coming to earth was a model for Missions.  Listen to what Jesus said in his prayer in John 17:18, "As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world."  Jesus came and he changed everything.  He left perfect Heaven to come to earth as the incarnate Christ, and he delivered from the father "the words you gave me" John 17:8.  Some of these most important words include the Great Commandment (to first love God and to second love others) and the Great Commission (to go tell this good news and make disciples).  As disciples of Christ we are to always be about this mission.  So this Christmas as you remember the gift of Christ coming to earth, let's also consider the mission that He started and that He sent us into the world to do!

We were blessed to have the opportunity speak at Harmony Baptist Church in Frankfurt Indiana last Sunday.  We are excited to be at Valier First Baptist Church in Valier, IL this coming Sunday December 28.  We still have lots of open Sundays, and we are looking for churches who would like to know more about what God is doing in Togo.  If you would be interested, please contact us soon because our schedule is filling up!

We are so thankful to report we are up to 82% of our monthly funding.  Thank you to all of you who have helped us get this far.  We are only 1300 dollars per month from being completely funded.  Would you consider partnering with us as a monthly financial supporter to help us meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people of northern Togo and West Africa?  We also have a large need for our one time expenses.  We are at 52% of the needed funds.  This will cover our language school, our plane tickets for round trip, a vehicle, a house, and a container with shipping to deliver our household goods.  All of the money you are contributing now goes to meet those needs.  However, with just the current giving from our monthly support we will be waiting until 2016 before being fully funded in our one time expenses.  Would you consider giving a one time gift?  If you mail or process electronically before December 31, you can still get tax credit for the 2014 calendar year.  The link to give is and our id/account number is 0135751.

Prayer requests:

1)  Our Family - We still have many things to be done in preparation.  Please pray that we would be able to be efficient and glorify God in completing the sometimes daunting list of necessary tasks to prepare to leave.

2)  Our Ministry - We have been amazed at how God provides and we want to praise him for this.  Please continue to pray for open doors and opportunities to share about the ministry in Togo.  Would you pray that churches and individuals would partner with us financially, in prayer, and with their time to bring the hope found in Jesus to Togo.

3)  Our Team - The opening of the Hospital of Hope on March 2, 2015 is quickly approaching.  Praise God that a group of short term American nurses have arrived, which is a huge boost in manpower.  There is still a lot of work to be done in sorting and organizing supplies.  There is also a lot of training to be done for the nursing aides and ancillary staff.  Please pray for them as they make these necessary but not always enjoyable preparatory steps.

4)  Ebola - Please pray that the current epidemic would come to an end.  Pray also that God will use it to move in amazing ways in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.

Upcoming Events:
December 28 - Valier First Baptist Church
February 22 - Oak Street Baptist Church
March 1 - University Baptist Church
April 27 - May 7 - Field Prep Seminar, Harrisburg, PA