Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July Nattier News

       We have reached our monthly support need that is required for us to serve in Togo!!!  Thank you to all of you who are partnering with us and have helped to make it possible for us to serve the people of Togo. When we initially learned the dollar amount that we were required to raise, we were very shocked.  I will have to admit that I had doubts whether we could raise this amount.  We were encouraged by this thought, "God had called us to go to Togo, so He would provide everything that was needed for us to go."  This is exactly what He has done through the generosity of many of you! This will allow us to focus more on making the final preparations needed in order for us to leave. With this said, if you are still interested in and feel led to partner with us, we would still love to talk with you.
       We are still in need of about $10,000 for our one time expenses.  This money will provide for our plane tickets, language school tuition, shipping for our household goods, a vehicle, and a portion of our home that will be built near the hospital.  Natasha has now completed 2 of the 4 seminary classes.  She will be working on the remaining two courses in the coming months, and then we will both be finished with all required training. We are currently working on the arduous task of packing our belongings for various portions of the next 4 years.  This includes about 4-5 more months here stateside in various locations, 12-18 months in France, and then 2 1/2 to 3 years in Togo.  We are still trying to determine the make-up of the months following our move from Lafayette, but we have tentatively planned to leave for France between Christmas and New Years.  The language school we have applied to starts the second week in January.  There is also a strong possibility that we will start an intensive language course in Tennessee in October.
      These next 5 months hold many tasks and challenges as we make these transitions and say our good-byes.  We would greatly appreciate your continued prayers.  Over the past 3 weekends, we have greatly enjoyed spending some time with our family.  We were able to see many of Natasha's relatives at the Murry family reunion.  Then my brother Derek's family visited, and we attended his son's 1st birthday.  This past week my sister Aimee's family visited us in Lafayette.  Then we headed to our 4th annual father and kids camping trip with the addition of the women and smaller children this year.  We camped near Mammoth cave and enjoyed some hiking and cave exploring.

Prayer Requests:

Our Family and Ministry: As we pack our house, the reality of the upcoming major changes to our environment, activities, and proximity to family and friends is affecting us all.  Please pray for wisdom on several decisions we are making about many of the details of the next few years.

We are currently looking for a person that could assist us in France with our children during language school.  This would allow both Natasha and I to have a little more flexibility and margin to study and excel during our French studies.  It may also shorten our time in France which would decrease our costs and get us to Togo sooner.  We want to find someone that would mesh well with our family and whom God is leading to serve in this way.    

Our Team: God is at work in the ministry of our teammates at the Hospital of Hope.  They are bringing new hope to the many physical and spiritual needs of the patients they encounter in northern Togo.  One of the surgeons from the practice here in Lafayette, Dr Francis, is there currently.  Here is a link to his recent blog about Mango describing the facility and the work there:  There are still gaps in the medical staff that are being filled by short term doctors.   A significant one is OB coverage starting in August.  When there are gaps it increases the stress and strain on our teammates in Mango and requires them to turn away even more patients.  Please pray for more doctors and medical providers to come short term and long term to Mango.  Please pray with us for God to be at work in and through our team in Mango.

Upcoming events: 

August 16 - Speaking at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN

August 21 - Presentation to medical staff in Lafayette, IN

August 28-29 - Pack moving truck and depart from Lafayette, IN