Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March (mars) Nattier News

This past month we finished our first 6 week session of class.  It was followed by a two week break that coincides with the public schools two week break.  During that time we were able to spend some time resting and studying.  We have evaluations every weekend, which are a great chance to review and refine what we have been learning.  After studying and completing our evaluations the first half of break we headed east to Italy for a little rest and relaxation.  We had a chance to learn about some historic sites and got a lot of exercise.  We also took a short break from French and learned a few Italian phrases.
This is the Roman Colloseum where many Christians were killed for their faith. 

During our time there we learned that our senior missionary and future surgical partner in Togo, Todd DeKryger, had become ill.  Some of you may have seen our posts on Facebook asking for prayer for him.  His condition did not improve, and it became necessary for him to be evacuated to Germany.  After arriving in Germany, they were unable to determine what was causing Todd's illness.  His ministry and work here on earth ended, as our Father in Heaven called him home.

Todd's death is a great loss.  He was a great husband and father of 4 boys.  He was an amazing leader, teammate and surgeon.  Todd played a huge part in getting the Hospital of Hope in Mango started.  He labored in fundraising for the hospital and even worked for over a year helping with the construction.  Since its opening, March 1, 2015, Todd functioned as the only full time surgeon, the medical director, and managed the schedule for the many short term medical providers.  If you would like to see additional information about Todd's ministry, including an incredible letter of faith written by his wife Jennifer, you can read more here.  His death leaves us with questions, but it has also been a reminder of the hope and stability that we have in God who never changes.

During our time here on earth, most everyone encounters bad or challenging circumstances, events that make us wonder or ask "WHY is this happening". There are several passages in the Bible that give comfort in these situation.  First, I want to share what Jesus teaches just before he died on the cross.  In John 19:10 - 11 "Pilate said. 'Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?'  Jesus answered, 'You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.'"  At this point in Jesus's ministry he knew that he was going to die on the cross for the sins of the world.  He also knew this was God's great plan to save mankind.  In this situation, Pilate had authority on earth to crucify Jesus, but Pilate's authority was given to him by God!  Jesus knew that his life wasn't in the hands of Pilate, but it was in the hands of His Father.

Just as Pilate had authority over Jesus here on earth, other men are given authority over us, satan has authority here on earth, and we might even say disease, natural disasters or other forces can seem to have authority over us.  "None of these are independent.  All their authority is derivative.  All of it is subordinate to God's will.  Fear not.  you are precious to your sovereign Father.  Far more precious than the unforgotten birds" - (quoted from John Pipers daily devotional Solid Joys)

In Luke 12:6-7 Jesus teaches "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don't be afraid: your are worth more than many sparrows."

Paul demonstrated and explained his faith in God's sovereign rule well during his life.  It allowed him to write things like he did in Romans 8:25-40.  Paul ends with a couple of very profound statements.  "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall trouble, or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness, or danger, or sword?.......No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

It's with this kind of faith in God that Joseph was able to say these words to his brothers who sold him into slavery, Genesis 50:20  "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."  It's our prayer that through Todd's death, many in Togo and beyond would come to know the heavenly father that he served so faithfully while here on earth.  In challenging circumstances, we don't always get the answer to our question of "Why," but we remain confident that God is love, He is good, and He is working out his plan for humanity even in the midst of trials here on earth.

It is with this comfort, that we continue our preparation for our family to go to Togo.  Todd's death leaves a great void at the Hospital of Hope, and there are many details about the future that seem uncertain.  Jesus tells us in Mathew 6:34, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Prayer Requests:

Our team: Please pray for Jennifer and their 4 sons: William, Grant, Luke and Drew during this time.  Please pray for the staff at the Hospital of Hope.  The medical needs and work continue in spite of the loss of our colleague, friend, and so much more.  Please pray that they would continue to show the Hope found in Jesus through this situation.  Pray for the city of Mango, and country of Togo, that even in Todd's death the gospel will be proclaimed and God will be glorified.

Our family: Please pray for our family as we continue our studies.  We want to learn French quickly, so we can join our team at the Hospital of Hope. Please also pray for Courtney as she makes decisions about her future and whether or not the Lord would have her return to our family in the fall. We have been so blessed by her and her ministry to our family.