Friday, December 4, 2015

December Nattier News

Our departure date is approaching rapidly.  It's now less than 1 month away.   Our next update will most likely be made from France.  In the interim we still have more goodbyes and final preparations before we leave for 4 years out of the country divided between France and Togo.  During Thanksgiving we had a very special time with our parents, all of our siblings and their children.  It was the first time both groups had all been together since our wedding, and it's grown in size substantially since then.  We are so thankful for each and everyone of them.

This time of year between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for.  We would like to share ours with you.

1.  A loving God who has saved us: This has changed our lives!  We should never take this for granted.  John 3:16 tells us "For God so loved that world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  This verse so succinctly sums up the Good News of what Jesus has done for us.  It's in this that we can have true 'hope' for now and the future.  It's because of this hope that the Hospital of Hope in Mango Togo exists to bring true healing and at the same time meet very great medical needs.

2.  Our family:  Our families have been incredibly supportive of our choice to devote our lives to God's work in Togo.  It's a sacrifice for us to go, but it's also a sacrifice for them to see their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews go.  We are so thankful for the great support they have given over the past several years.

3.  The churches and individuals who support us financially and in prayer.  We would not be cleared to leave in 3 weeks without the financial support of so many.  We could not do this without the great team who give so sacrificially of their time and monetary resources towards this work.  We are truly thankful for you.

4.  Our sending church, University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, OH:  While we only had 3 short years with them, the staff and congregation have impacted us and been such a huge blessing in so many ways.  We are excited to celebrate this partnership this Sunday, December 6 during our commissioning service.  We are so excited to see how God will use this partnership for His glory in the future.

5.  Our team: The Lord has already accomplished great things through the team currently at work in Mango, Togo.  While we have only met some of the team in person, we know this is a very gifted group of God's people.  We are so excited for the privilege to work alongside them.

Prayer requests:

Our family and ministry: While the final preparations are coming together our deadline is looming.  Please pray for us as we balance this with our desire to say goodbye well to our friends and family.  Please also pray for each of us as we adjust to the many changes of living in France.  Our kids are aware that they will now be learning in a foreign language.   School can be hard enough with out the addition of a language barrier.

Also pray for Natasha and I to use our time in France well.  We want to get a good understanding of French, so that we can communicate effectively with our teammates and patients.

Courtney will be joining our family to help with our youngest during the day for the first 3 months in France.  Her short stay visa appointment is Monday December 7th.  Please pray that it would be approved and be returned quickly. 

Our team:  There has been unrest in the city of Mango recently.   I can't go into details on this forum, but you can search the city on BBC or Reuters for articles about it.  Our team has been safe, but those who were injured were brought to the Hospital of Hope to receive medical care.  Please pray for our team as this instability, limited staff, water shortages and other challenges add to the stress and strain of working in this already difficult climate.  Please pray that the Lord would renew them daily. 

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